Sibona Distillery

The Sibona distillery is located in Piedmont, and more precisely in the Roero area in the municipality of Piobesi d'Alba, in an area where an old furnace was located about a hundred years ago. Today this area remains the fulcrum of a considerable wine area, where in fact the vines of the most important Piedmontese wines are grown.

The distillation process originally saw the use of a old steam locomotive, later replaced by copper stills; and involves the use of fresh pomace selected from the best in the area. The timely use of the latter, carried out immediately upon arrival at the distillery, ensures that even more of the aromas and aromas of the harvest are extracted from the grappas obtained.

The experience of three expert oenologists, the long aging period that mostly takes place in Barriques and tonnenau, in addition to the constant adaptation and improvement of the system, and the elimination of heads and tails, give rise to rich and complex grappas, and with a soft and pleasant taste.

Sibona is one of the historic distilleries, with artisanal production, of Piedmont, characterized by great prestige, as evidenced by the possession of the old distillation license N ° 1 issued by the U.T.F or the financial body that supervises all the operations carried out in the distilleries .

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