Zwack Distillery

Unicum Zwack is one of the oldest bitters in Europe; its history dates back to the times of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 1790 Dr. Zwack, physician of the imperial court, was commissioned by the King and Emperor of Hungary to find a remedy for his health problems related to digestion.

What the doctor gave the King was a digestive based on herbs that we still know today as Unicum; In fact, legend has it that after a few sips of the very tasty elixir, the King exclaimed: “Das ist ein unicum” or “this nectar is unique”, from which the name of the bitter originates.

Following the great success and in order to meet the continuous requests, the Zwack Distillery for a matter of space is forced to move to the heart of Budapest, where it still has its headquarters today.

Even today the amaro di Zwack, albeit more than two centuries later, from generation to generation retains its original characteristics, jealously guarding tradition and quality.

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