Mastroberardino Winery

The company has been living the world of wine for almost two centuries. So at least tell the oldest evidence found. The first traces of the presence in Irpinia date back to the Bourbon land registry, in the middle of Eighteenth century, a time when the family chose the village of Atripalda as its headquarters, where the ancient cellars are still located, and from there it originated a lineage that inextricably linked its fate to the cult of wine. A succession from generation to generation, which has been able to carry on a centuries-old passion. With the succession of events, wars and famines, the Mostroberardino family was left alone in Irpinia to defend their values and ancient traditions. If today names such as Falanghina, Greco di Tufo, Fiano di Avellino survive and are known all over the world, the credit is certainly partly due to this ancient family. Buy now



Campania (Italia)

Foundation year


Vineyard hectares


Annual production

1750000 bt

Own grapes



Massimo di Renzo


Via Manfredi, 75/81 - 83042 Atripalda (AV)

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