
Valpolicella Classico Superiore DOC - Quintarelli 2017

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Format: 75 cl


Empfohlener Preis: 127,66 €
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Valpolicella Classico Superiore DOC - Quintarelli
127,66 €

Inkl. MwSt. und St.

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Der Valpolicella Classico Superiore DOC von Quintarelli ist ein Wein, der die Reichtümer des venetischen Terroirs mit Eleganz zum Ausdruck bringt und eine tiefe Verbindung mit der Weinbautradition der Region offenbart. Hergestellt von der historischen Kellerei Quintarelli, die für ihre Hingabe an Qualität und handwerkliche Methoden bekannt ist, ist dieser Wein das Ergebnis einer sorgfältigen Auswahl der besten einheimischen Trauben.

Die sortentypische Zusammensetzung besteht hauptsächlich aus Corvina, Corvinone und Rondinella, Rebsorten, die dem Wein eine robuste Struktur und markante aromatische Noten verleihen. Im Vinifikationsprozess wendet Quintarelli die Methode der teilweisen Trocknung an, was die Konzentration von Zucker und Aromastoffen verstärkt und dem Valpolicella Classico Superiore eine samtige und komplexe Textur verleiht.

Visuell präsentiert sich der Wein in einem intensiven Rubinrot, das mit der Reife zu Granatrot tendiert. Im Bouquet entfaltet sich ein reichhaltiges Aroma von reifen Kirschen, süßen Gewürzen und einer leichten Spur von Tabak. Am Gaumen ist der Wein umhüllend, mit einer harmonischen Balance zwischen Säure und gut integrierten Tanninen, was ihn anhaltend und angenehm komplex macht.

Ideal zu klassischen italienischen Gerichten wie gegrilltem Fleisch, Braten und gereiften Käsesorten, zeichnet sich der Valpolicella Classico Superiore DOC von Quintarelli auch durch sein Alterungspotential aus, da er über mehrere Jahre hinweg in der Kellerei anmutig reift.

Mit einer Beliebtheit, die das Können und die Leidenschaft des Herstellers widerspiegelt, ist dieser Valpolicella Classico Superiore eine hervorragende Wahl für Kenner, die das Quintessenz der venetischen Rotweine erkunden möchten.

Offizielle Anerkennungen

Experte Preis Beschreibung Vintage

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Very happy good first time experience with this shop!

So, things that make you nervous are;
- ordering from a site you've not met before
- doing that for a decent amount of money (6 bottles +2 others)
- seeing delivery options... DHL or UPS... oi... both have a bad reputation in my street
- getting a track&trace that says "1kg" on the notice.....

Yes, this first encounter was so stressful, but it was soo extremely unjustified! The bottles were absolutely perfectly packed! The delivery guy could have dropped it down a stairs and they probably still survived! A box of 8 bottles, top and bottom double layered carboard box with holders and all.

If you ever have doubts about ordering, this shop will not be the element where it goes wrong. The delivery guys with poor tracking (how do you mean it suddenly appeared in Germany from Italy?) or wrong information or not even showing up on the right moment? All, but the box, perfect!

The wine, well.... let's say the triumph has already been celebrated! So the first bottle was opened to check the new vintage. Quintarelli rarely let's me down, so neither did this one. Yes, it's young and I would recommend at least 2-3 years before touching it again, but the leather, fullness and balance on tannins is already good. It can use age for some complexity and ripening of some of the fruits into the taste as it was still a bit 'rough' between it.

As a wine, if you know this one, this one will be very interesting to observe and I can't wait for 3 years from now for drinking these bottles!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Very happy good first time experience with this shop!

So, things that make you nervous are;
- ordering from a site you've not met before
- doing that for a decent amount of money (6 bottles +2 others)
- seeing delivery options... DHL or UPS... oi... both have a bad reputation in my street
- getting a track&trace that says "1kg" on the notice.....

Yes, this first encounter was so stressful, but it was soo extremely unjustified! The bottles were absolutely perfectly packed! The delivery guy could have dropped it down a stairs and they probably still survived! A box of 8 bottles, top and bottom double layered carboard box with holders and all.

If you ever have doubts about ordering, this shop will not be the element where it goes wrong. The delivery guys with poor tracking (how do you mean it suddenly appeared in Germany from Italy?) or wrong information or not even showing up on the right moment? All, but the box, perfect!

The wine, well.... let's say the triumph has already been celebrated! So the first bottle was opened to check the new vintage. Quintarelli rarely let's me down, so neither did this one. Yes, it's young and I would recommend at least 2-3 years before touching it again, but the leather, fullness and balance on tannins is already good. It can use age for some complexity and ripening of some of the fruits into the taste as it was still a bit 'rough' between it.

As a wine, if you know this one, this one will be very interesting to observe and I can't wait for 3 years from now for drinking these bottles!